
Tag: hillary clinton (page 4)

The State Department's Website Under Hillary

Check out the new State Department Website. It has Hillary's theme, Diplomacy in Action and a transcript of her confirmation hearing testimony.

There's a blog, DipNote. Look for other features to go live after she's confirmed. [More...]

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Hillary's Confirmation Hearing Tuesday

Bumped - BTD

Update (TL) 8:47 am MT: Hillary just finished her statement. The Q and A is beginning.

The hearing on the confirmation of Sen. Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State is tomorrow before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. It's expected to be a one day hearing with a vote on Thursday.

By nearly all accounts, Hillary Clinton is on a fast track to confirmation for the premiere position in the cabinet of President-elect Barack Obama. Not only has committee chairman Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) scheduled a vote on her confirmation for Thursday, but its top Republican, Dick Lugar of Indiana, said he would vote for her before she was even officially nominated....After meeting with her last week, Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.) called her nomination "a net plus for the administration and the country."

Go Hillary. This is a no-brainer. We're fortunate Obama chose her. Here's to a speedy confirmation.

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Bon Jovi To Help Hillary Reduce Campaign Debt

Time is running out to help Hillary Clinton retire her campaign debt. Once she becomes Secretary of State, she can no longer solicit contributions. Bon Jovi is coming to her aid.

The final note of Hillary Rodham Clinton's presidential campaign may very well be sung by Jon Bon Jovi. The musician is performing at a fundraiser for the former presidential candidate as she tries to close out her campaign debt, which stood at $6.3 million as of last month.

The Jan. 15 performance at Manhattan's Town Hall is being billed as "a final evening in support of Hillary Clinton for President Debt Relief." Ticket prices range from $75 to $1,000.

I hope they stream it live in exchange for contributions from viewers. I'd pay to watch. As I've said before, he's got one of the best faces in rock, I could watch it for hours. And if it would help Hillary, all the better.

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Planned Parenthood Welcomes Hillary's Nomination for SOS

Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards lauds President-elect Obama's announcement naming Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State:

Senator Clinton understands that women's quality of life directly affects the major issues confronting the globe: national security, environmental sustainability, and global poverty.

In a speech that, by the standards of the Bush administration, sounds positively radical, Clinton addressed the Cairo Plus Five Forum at the Hague in 1999, saying,

"Women's reproductive health and empowerment are critical to a nation's sustainability and growth ... we now know that no nation can hope to succeed in the global economy of the 21st century if half of its people lack the opportunity and the right to make the most of their God-given potential. No nation can move forward when its women and children are trapped in endless cycles of poverty; when they have inadequate health care, poor access to family planning, limited education."

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Hillary to Join Obama in Chicago For Sec'y State Announcement

Bump and Update: It's Offical. Hillary will fly to Chicago tomorrow to join Obama for his cabinet appointments announcement, including her own as Secretary of State. Congratulations, Hillary!


CNN and other news organizations are reporting that President Elect Barack Obama will name Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State on Monday.

The New York Times reports on the lengthy negotiations between Team Obama and Bill Clinton and the 9 preconditions the former President had to meet. [More...]

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Hillary's 65th Campaign Appearance for Obama

Hillary made her 65th campaign appearance for Sen. Barack Obama in Aurora, Colorado today. Also on hand: Gov. Bill Ritter, Sen. Ken Salazar and Reps. Diana DeGette and Ed Perlmutter.

More here at the Denver Post.

McCain campaigned in Denver today as well, along with former Denver Bronco quarterback John Elway.

Sen. Barack Obama will be in Denver on Sunday for a rally in Civic Center Park downtown. My prediction: The Obama crowd will dwarf the 4,000 that showed up for McCain today.

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Hillary to Campaign for Obama Friday in Colorado

John McCain will campaign in Colorado Friday.

This just in: Hillary will be in Aurora (just east/southeast of Denver) to campaign for Sen. Barack Obama on Friday. Details to be announced.

Update: From Hillary's office:[More...]

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Hillary and Obama Together on Nightline Tonight

Update: I watched the segment, and like Nightline's Cynthia McFadden, thought they seemed free of tension and genuinely enjoying each other's company. Obama was very effusive in his praise for Hillary. At the rally, when they walked out together, he didn't just hug her, but kissed her on the cheek. He acknowledged that Hillary has made a big difference in how he is doing in Florida. She minced no words to her former supporters: "As hard as you worked for me, we need you now to work just as hard for Barack."

Very classy on both their parts. And 50,000 turned out on a Monday in Orlando to hear them. Let's just hope they all go to the polls.


Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama's first joint interview since the end of Hillary's campaign will air tonight on Nightline. The interview followed their joint campaign appearance in Florida today. [More...]

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Obama and Hillary in Florida Monday for Early Vote Start

Sen. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton will campaign together in Orlando, Florida on Monday as early voting opens in the state. Earlier in the day Obama will be in Tampa while Hillary will be campaigning for him in Broward (Fort Lauderdale, north of Miami.)

Where's McCain/Palin? Palin will be in Colorado shoring up the Republican base in Colorado Springs, Grand Junction and Loveland (Larimer County) -- all of which are locks for their ticket.

McCain was in Miami today with Joe Lieberman, courting the Cuban vote, but has nothing scheduled in the state through next week. Obama on the other hand is putting serious energy into Florida, and Miami in particular, for the duration of the campaign.

Hillary campaigned in Youngstown, Ohio today.

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Hillary's Post-Debate Interview on CNN

Hillary praises Obama's debate and says he's "3 for 3."

Wolf Blitzer asks her about McCain's quip that he isn't George Bush. She points out that McCain has voted with Bush 90% of the time so he has contributed to the economic distress our country is going through.

When asked if she'd agree to be in Obama's cabinet, she said she wants to stay a Senator.

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Hillary: Chances of Another Presidential Run "Close to Zero"

During an interview on Fox and Friends this morning. Hillary Clinton said the chances of her running again for President are "close to zero."

She said the chances of her becoming Senate Majority Leader or a Supreme Court Justice are "zero."

Hillary has made more than 50 appearances for Barack Obama. But, according to this report, that's not the reason her former supporters are now lined up behind him. The reason: Sarah Palin. [More...]

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Hillary Rolls Out "Hillary Sent Me" Program to Elect Obama and Dems

I was one of a few bloggers and reporters on a Hillary Clinton conference call this afternoon. Also on the call were Ann Lewis and NH Senate candidate Jeanne Shaheen. Listeners included Hillary delegates, supporters and state volunteers, among others.

The purpose of the call: to announce the formation of Hillary's new grass roots action program, Hillary Sent Me. Starting tomorrow, you can read all about it at Hillary's HillPac website.

Hillary was totally excited about this, you could hear it in her voice. It's a program to get out the vote both for Barack Obama and congressional candidates (particularly in the Senate) in the battleground states.

The program kicks off in New Hampshire Sept. 27/28, and Hillary is asking people to travel there to campaign for Obama and Senate candidate Jeanne Shaheen.[More...]

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